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We can look back on many years of experience in taking care of numerous private foundations, since this law came into force in 1993. The establishment, ongoing support or the dissolution of private foundations are welcome challenges for us. We uncover potential for optimization and optimize the corresponding parameters.

Especially in the last few years, the tax framework of the private foundation has undergone some changes, which is why it is all the more important to take the right steps for an optimal foundation design. We support both the establishment of private foundations as well as in all steps of resolution and tax-optimized exit from the private foundation.

Possible questions can include:

  • When does it make sense to set up a foundation?
  • Is my private foundation still the best option?
  • What are the special features of a private foundation?
  • How/when is the optimal exit from a private foundation?


StB Mag. (FH) Maximilian Lettner


Phone: +43 (0) 6232 / 4080 


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